How to get a Twilio short code?
Programmable Messaging
To start the process, you can fill out the application in your Twilio project. The application will allow you to choose either a US, UK, or Canada short code, as well as to indicate your use case and message flow. To apply for a Short Code in other countries, please refer to instructions in their respective Short Code Guidelines page.
Once you submit this application to Twilio, our Short Code Team will review it and advise you of any changes you may need to make in order to be compliant with carriers’ requirements. Once Twilio has reviewed and approved your application, you will be able to submit payment and start the carrier approval process. Here is a more detailed timeline of the process:
Twilio Review Process:
- Twilio reviews your application and helps you refine it before it can be submitted to carriers.
- Once our team has approved your application, we will notify you that you can log in here and pay for your short code (for more information about how payment works, see How Twilio bills for Short Codes).
Mobile Carriers review process*
- Twilio submits a provisioning request to carriers, and it enters their review and testing process before being connected and ready for use.
*Note that carriers require payment before they begin the review process. Short code provisioning can vary considerably, depending primarily on the time that it takes for mobile carriers to review and approve your short code.
Short Code applications are processed and viewable from the parent account, even when submitted from a subaccount. Once a Short Code has been provisioned, it can be moved to a subaccount.