A Twilio Organization is a resource that helps you manage all of your company’s Twilio accounts. As your company’s Twilio usage grows, Organizations provide you with control over your accounts, your users, and the security policies you implement to govern their access.
- To learn more about Organizations and their structure, please see: The Twilio Organizations architecture
How Organizations can Help You
Organizations gives you a way to reduce your operational risk by centrally managing all of your accounts and the users who may have access to them, and configuring your Organization-wide policies.
You will first need to create your Organization from the Console’s Create an Organization option.
- For a step by step walk through, please see: Create your Organization
After you have created your Organization you will have access to manage your Organization in the Console’s Twilio Admin / Admin Center area. The Twilio Admin / Admin Center is where the administration management for your Accounts and Users within you Organization happens. The Twilio Admin / Admin Center is not available until you complete the creation of your Organization.
The Admin is where you can:
- Claim ownership of an Internet domain, and then invite users with email addresses from that domain to the Organization.
- View accounts and users associated with your Organization.
- Grant users access to your accounts, or remove their access.
- Change account owners.
- Manage the lifecycle of accounts and users associated with your Organization.
- Control what happens to new users signing up with the registered domain.
- Access to Self Service SSO features with a supported Twilio Editions Package. Details about your current Twilio Editions Package can be found on your Order Form, contract or the Console usage page. For more information, please talk to sales or your Account Executive.