Flex supports integration with SAML 2.0 Identify Providers (IdPs) for authenticating users and enabling single sign-on (SSO). For more information on setting up Flex with your Identity Provider, please see Flex: Identity Provider Integration (Twilio Docs).
Can Agents Be Added to Flex Locally?
While we recommend using an Identity Provider (IdP) to enable single sign-on (SSO) for Flex, you can also access Flex through the Twilio Console without using an IdP. The Flex project Owner, and any users with the Administrator or Developer roles are all able to login to Console to see the Flex agent desktop. Project users with the Billing Manager and Support roles don't have access to Flex. For help adding new users, or managing the roles for existing users, please see Adding, Removing, or Modifying Users with Your Twilio Project.
Notice: This grants your users admin
level access to Flex, and access to most controls on your Twilio project. As such, we suggest limiting this access to development purposes, and only add users who are performing testing and/or validation.