Before we begin
Due to regulatory requirements, there is sometimes a need for documents to be signed by customers to ensure that registrations are done on behalf of customers that have the right to use the Sender ID. This serves to ensure that traffic is coming from legitimate sources and minimises any potential misuse.
This article outlines the documentation requirements for a pre-registration in India.
Things to note
- Before registering with Twilio, customers must visit a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) portal, a blockchain-based registration system hosted by mobile operators in India. This requires customers to provide additional parameters such as EntityId and Template ID when they are sending SMS through Twilio.
To register your Alphanumeric Sender ID you must:
- Register the Sender ID in the DLT Portal, a third-party platform. This step is independent from Twilio and we have no control over its process.
- Customers download the DLT details from the portal and update the following spreadsheet with the requested information on it(See the attachment for an example).
- DLT_Portal_India_Template
- A screenshot from the DLT portal is also required which shows basic information like Entity ID, DLT template ID, Header, communication type etc.
- Customers submit the spreadsheet and the screenshot to Twilio using the pre-registration registration form.
After the Sender ID is confirmed to be registered, you will be requested to test the message templates and confirm successful delivery.