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How do I check that I have completed US A2P 10DLC registration?


If you have previously completed one or more US A2P 10DLC registrations for messaging to the United States, but you are not sure if all of your Twilio numbers or use cases are properly registered, you can verify this using the Twilio Console or APIs.

If you have a complex account structure or are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), we strongly recommend you do these verification steps to make sure all of your traffic is properly registered.



Programmable Messaging



Using the Twilio Console to Verify your US A2P 10DLC Registration Status

Option 1: Phone Numbers Connected to Campaign

image (9).png

The phone numbers connected to Campaign option is a new table for detailing phone numbers associated with the Campaign.

To access, navigate to the Campaigns page in the Regulatory Compliance section of the Messaging tab in your Console and click on the campaign.

From there, you can do the following:

  • See a list of phone numbers connected to the campaign where you can sort by Status
  • See the Connected Messaging Service
  • Add more phone numbers to the Campaign
  • Export the list to CSV

Important Notes:
- If no numbers are listed, then make sure to add them to the Messaging Service to finish registering.
- If a number is stuck in 'pending deregistration' in another campaign, then it will not show in the campaign's list. Reach out to Twilio support from the Console to help get this resolved.

Option 2: Number Status CSV Download

Check PN Status Page

The number status CSV download option is a tool that allows you to download a file with all numbers in the account and their corresponding A2P registration status. There is one current limitation in the tooling in its initial stages:

  • Numbers are downloaded only for the account in which the report is generated. You also have the option to download subaccount details from the parent account.

To generate your number status report, follow these steps in the Twilio console:

  1. Navigate to your Active Numbers page
  2. Click the link "Request CSV Report" in the blue banner at the top of the screen, or use this direct link
  3. Click "Generate a new report"
  4. The report will take 1-24 hours to generate
  5. An email will be sent to the email configured in your User Settings when the report is ready
  6. When report is ready, click "Download CSV report"
  7. The report filename will include the account SID and the timestamp the data was generated. Data is updated every 2 hours.

The following statuses will be shown in the report:

  • Unregistered: This number has not been associated with a verified campaign. Register the 10DLC number by adding it to a Messaging Service associated with a verified A2P campaign. Note that for numbers added to a Messaging Service, the MessagingServiceSid value will not display in the report until the MS has been associated with a Campaign and that Campaign has been successfully A2P-registered. Additionally, please note that Sole Proprietor Campaigns can only have one registered 10DLC. Additional 10DLC numbers in that Messaging Service will be in the “Unregistered” status.
  • Pending Registration: Twilio has received your request to register this number, but has not yet completed the necessary configurations with ecosystem partners. There's no further action required from you. It is normal for number registration to take several days depending on the amount of number registration requests we receive. You may run another report later to see if your number has been successfully registered.
  • Registered: Your number is registered and ready to be used to send messages to the US.
  • Pending_DeRegistration: Twilio has received your request to de-register this number, but has not yet completed the necessary configurations with ecosystem partners. If you've recently tried to move a number from one Campaign to another, you may see your number status changing from "Registered -> Pending De-registration -> Unregistered -> Registered". There's no further action required from you. It is normal for number deregistration to take several days depending on the amount of number registration requests we receive. You may run another report later to see if your number has been successfully registered.
  • Failure: An unexpected error has occurred while registering your number. Reach out to Twilio support from the console.

Manually checking your number status in the console

To manually check individual numbers, follow these steps in the Twilio console:

  1. Navigate to your Active Numbers page
  2. Identify which Twilio numbers are associated with a Messaging Service. If your US number is not in a Messaging Service, it is not registered.
  3. In each Messaging Service, click the "A2P & Compliance" tab to verify the Service has a registered campaign attached. A Messaging Service with a successfully registered Campaign will show green checkmarks next to each registration step and a Campaign Use Case status of "Verified."

Using Event Streams to Verify your US A2P 10DLC Registration Status

Customers who are registering Brands, Campaigns and 10DLC Phone Numbers for A2P Messaging can now set up subscriptions to events which will notify them when a Brand, Campaign or Phone Number's status has changed. This setup and subscription is handled through Twilio's Event Streams product.

Using the API to Verify your US A2P 10DLC Registration Status

Using the API, you can use the following steps to ensure that all of your Twilio phone numbers are registered.

  1. (Optional) If you have more than one Twilio account, fetch a list of all of your active accounts so that you can iterate over those in step 2 below.
  2. Fetch all of your Messaging Services under each of your accounts, and check that each has a US A2P Campaign. Any Messaging Service that contains US/Canada long code numbers for messaging to United States recipients should have one.
  3. For each Messaging Service with an A2P Campaign, build a list of "registered" numbers by fetching that Service’s Phone Numbers. Note: For Sole Proprietor Campaigns, only one phone number is selected at random to be a registered sender. If you need to send from multiple numbers, you'll need to get a tax ID and register as a Standard / Low Volume Standard Brand.
  4. Finally, compare this with your full list of Phone Numbers to find any Twilio numbers on your account that remain unregistered. Please note: Numbers that are not within the +1 country code, or that are Toll-Free (+1 8XX where XX is two repeating digits, e.g. +1 855) can be ignored.


Additional Information

Checking the Delivery Status of your Messages

Unregistered numbers are subject to a full block on US-bound messages. These messages will be blocked with a ‘30034’ error. Checking the delivery status of your messages for the presence of this error code is also an indication that your number is not associated with a registered Campaign. The delivery status can be found through Messaging Insights or using a StatusCallback URL.

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