Twilio's API for WhatsApp allows you to reach just about every country in the world, with any WhatsApp-enabled Twilio phone number. This guide details the international coverage and limitations.
Twilio for WhatsApp international coverage
All WhatsApp-enabled Twilio phone numbers have the ability to communicate with WhatsApp end users in any supported country. This is enabled by default, without the need to adjust any settings.
For example, a business based in Germany may choose to enable a German Twilio number for WhatsApp. If the business also has customers in France and Austria, this is no problem – they can reach these users via their German Twilio WhatsApp-enabled number. This business could choose to provide a more localized experience by enabling a French mobile number for WhatsApp as well, but it’s not necessary to do so.
For the full list of supported countries, see Twilio's WhatsApp pricing pages.
Blocked countries
There is a small set of countries that WhatsApp excludes from communicating with WhatsApp for Business numbers. Phone numbers from the following countries are blocked:
- Crimea (+7978)
- Cuba (+53)
- Iran (+98)
- North Korea (+850)
- Syria (+963)
WhatsApp does not allow businesses in these countries to take advantage of WhatsApp. Likewise, WhatsApp end users with numbers from these countries will not be able to send or receive messages from businesses on WhatsApp. This restriction is based on the user’s WhatsApp number, not their current location.
For example, if a WhatsApp user is currently located in Jordan, but has an Iranian WhatsApp number (whatsapp:+98…), this user will be unable to communicate with businesses over WhatsApp.
Notice: Businesses and end users in Crimea are forbidden from communicating with the WhatsApp Business API. Crimean mobile numbers share the same international dialing code as Russia (+79), but have their own unique prefix (+7978). WhatsApp messaging to and from users with Crimea mobile numbers is not supported.