In what countries does Twilio validate addresses?
Phone Numbers
For Regulatory Requirements we currently enforce address validation for addresses in:
- Australia
- Austria
- Brazil
- France
- Germany
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Spain
- United Kingdom
United States, Canada and United Kingdom addresses may be emergency validated for Emergency Calling purposes.
The validation status is found on the Addresses page and in the Address detail page in Console. You will see a “Validated” field associated with each address on your account.
- If an address has never been validated or has failed validation, this field will show “No”.
- If the address has been successfully validated, the field will display “Yes”.
Notice: United Kingdom addresses created within a UK Regulatory Bundle may not show as “Validated” within the console. This is acceptable at this time as these addresses are reviewed and approved by the Regulatory Team. These addresses are still considered valid and can be used for number compliance.