What is changing?
The Short Code Registry is making three primary updates on October 15:
1) Adding new data fields to enhance the vetting of common short code lessees (“CSC Registrants”), Content Providers, and Brand Clients
2) Defining and adding conditions for the leasing and assignment of Parked Codes
3) Defining and adding conditions for the leasing of Demo Codes.
New Data Fields for CSC Registrant, Brand Client, and Content Provider
Point of Contact | Organization Legal Name |
Name | Organization Entity Type |
Organization Physical Location Address | |
Phone Number | Organization URL |
Physical Address | Organization FEIN |
Why is it changing?
The Short Code Registry has been a trusted messaging channel for over twenty
years. The updates to the Short Code Registry are designed to further protect
consumers, and promote greater transparency through enhanced vetting and
monitoring, which will ultimately benefit all messaging stakeholders.
What are the key dates associated with the changes?
On October 15, 2024, the Short Code Registry will be updated to include the
additional required fields for CSC Registrants and Brand Clients, as well as with
the requirements for Parked Codes and Demo Codes. To help CSC Registrants
comply with the Short Code Registry changes, only codes that are newly leased or
manually renewed on or after October 15, 2024, will be immediately required to
provide the additional fields as part of those processes.
Existing codes that auto-renew will be subject to changes beginning on January
15, 2025. Thirty calendar days prior to the existing leased code’s auto-renewal
date, the Short Code Registry will send an email to the CSC Registrant notifying
them of the auto-renewal date, as well as the requirement to provide the required
fields for the short code (e.g., new fields for Brand Client and Content Provider).
The Short Code Registry will begin sending the auto-renewal reminder emails out
to CSC Registrants in mid-December 2024. CSC Registrants and their Brand
Clients will have a sixty (60) calendar day period after the auto-renewal date of the
code to provide the requisite fields. Those codes that are not updated with the
requisite information within this timeframe will be subject to compliance
enforcement and may be suspended or terminated.
Between the dates of October 15, 2024, and January 15, 2025, the registry offers a
Grace Period for lessees to update their Brand Client Libraries and allocate Brand
Client information to individual short codes. Bulk upload options are available to
help expedite data entry.
What are the changes to Parked Codes and Demo Codes?
Parked Codes are codes that are leased but the CSC Registrant has not identified
an associated Brand Client. Parked Codes are not active. Beginning on October
15, 2024, CSC Registrants will be required to indicate whether the code that they
are leasing does not yet have an identified or successfully vetted Brand Client by
indicating that the code is “Parked” during the registration process. Parked Codes
will be subject to enhanced monitoring to ensure compliance.
Demo Codes are codes that may only be used for marketing, promotional, or
testing purposes. Demo Codes should never be assigned a Brand Client and will be
subject to enhanced monitoring to ensure compliance. Beginning on October 15,
2024, CSC Registrants will be required to indicate whether the code that they are
leasing is intended for marketing, promotional, or testing purposes.