Transfer a Twilio phone number between different Twilio accounts.
Phone Numbers
User Account Role Required
- For U.S. phone numbers, your account role must be Owner, Administrator, or Developer.
- For all other numbers, your account role must be Owner or Administrator.
Twilio phone numbers can be easily transferred between different accounts by the Twilio Support team.
Notice: Twilio numbers lose their existing configuration when transferred between accounts as well as any messaging settings such as opt-outs and A2P registrations. You will need to reconfigure, setup Opt-Outs and re-register the numbers on the new account before they will work. Twilio Support is unable to configure phone numbers on your behalf.
For guidance reconfiguring your Twilio number, please see our phone number configuration guides:
Configure Numbers for SMS | Configure Numbers for Voice
Requesting a Number Transfer
To request this change, please gather the following information:
- Phone Number(s): The full phone number(s) you wish to move.
- WhatsApp Sender Enabled: Let us know if any numbers have a sender enabled on them that need moving.
- Owning Entity: The provider you purchased this number from (Twilio or ZipWhip).
- Losing Account SID: The AC SID for the account or subaccount that is giving up the phone number.
- Gaining Account SID: The AC SID for the account or subaccount that will be receiving the phone number.
- Approval from the losing account: (The losing account will need write in to Twilio support approving this transfer. Alternatively, you can CC them on your support ticket and have them reply approving the transfer.)
- Approval from the gaining account: (Same as above)
- Time frame: The requested time frame for your the numbers to be moved (ASAP or later date/time and please include a timezone).
- Address SID on the gaining account
- Bundle SID on the gaining account
Additionally, if the phone number(s) are currently registered with the WhatsApp API, please specify if you would like the WhatsApp sender(s) moved as part of this transfer request. The WhatsApp Sender will need to be on the same account SID as the phone number in order to continue to work. You will also need to complete the following steps before the transfer for the WhatsApp Sender can be done:
- Remove the phone number and associated sender from any Messaging Service sender pool by following: Managing a Messaging Service Sender Pool
- If you haven’t done so already, read and accept the WhatsApp Terms of Service on the gaining account: Twilio Console > Programmable SMS > Try it Out > Try WhatsApp
When you have collected this information, please share it with our Support team. If the losing and gaining accounts have different Owners, we'll need approval from each side, so we request that both account owners submit matching support requests.
- For US numbers we can accept approval on internal transfers from account Owners, Admins and Developers.
- For International numbers we can accept approval on internal transfers from account Owners and Admins.
Moving phone numbers between an account and its subaccounts
Twilio long code and short code phone numbers can be transferred between an account and its subaccounts via HTTP POST requests to the REST API. For full details, including sample code and troubleshooting, see Move Phone Numbers Between Twilio Accounts and their Subaccounts (Internal Transfer).