Meta recently introduced experimentation to the WhatsApp Business Platform to assess how marketing messages impact consumer experience and engagement. Experimentation will be continued practice on the WhatsApp platform. These experiments may affect your marketing messages on the WhatsApp Business API with Twilio and other providers.
How do Meta Experiments Affect My Marketing Messages?
Meta randomly chooses around 1% of WhatsApp consumers to be part of an experiment. Meta will not deliver Marketing message templates to these consumers unless the following is true:
- The marketing template message is part of an ongoing service conversation
- The marketing template message is part of an ongoing marketing conversation
- The marketing template message is part of an ongoing free entry point conversation
If a message isn’t delivered due to an experiment, a specific error will be returned and you will not be charged for that message.
Please see Meta’s documentation for more information.
What error will I see on Twilio if my messages aren’t delivered due to Meta’s experiments?
Errors that have failed due to a WhatsApp experiment will return the error 63032.
Will I be charged for messages that are not delivered due to Meta’s experiments?
These messages will be in a failed status and will not be charged.
Can I opt out of Meta’s experiments?
Meta does not allow anyone to opt out of experiments. All WhatsApp Business API providers and users are affected by Meta experiments.
Can I retry to send a template at a later time to the same recipient?
There is no guaranteed time period for how long a recipient number can be subject to an experiment. Unless there is an active conversation open, Meta will continue to return an error when you attempt to send a marketing message to the same recipient for an unspecified amount of time.
What can I do if my marketing messages are blocked due to Meta’s experiments?
We recommend using SMS as an alternate channel, since it is also based on phone number. You may create logic to automatically trigger an SMS message when error code 63032 is found. Twilio's WhatsApp Fallback to SMS feature solves this use case and is available in private beta on a limited basis. If you would like to request access please reach out to your account manager.