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Troubleshooting Issues with Twilio Studio

If a flow is not working as anticipated, there are a number of possibilities why the desired behavior is not occurring. Check these options to make sure flows work as intended.

Verify the Flow is Configured on a Twilio Number

Once a Flow is published, it needs to be configured on a Twilio phone number. Here are the steps for adding a flow to a Twilio line:

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Click Phone NumbersIcon_Numbers.png from the left-side navigation bar.
    NOTE: If Phone Numbers is not visible, you may first need to access the Explore Products page.
  3. Click the desired phone number to modify.
  4. Add the desired Studio flow:
    • Voice -
      • ACCEPT INCOMING: Voice Calls
      • CONFIGURE WITH: Webhooks, TwiML Bins, Functions, Studio, or Proxy
      • A CALL COMES IN: Studio Flow
        • Select the desired flow.
    • Messaging -
      • CONFIGURE WITH: Webhooks, TwiML Bins, Functions, Studio, or Proxy
      • A MESSAGE COMES IN: Studio Flow
        • Select the desired flow.
  5. Click Save.

Validate the Flow’s Design is Correct

  • Verify the correct Trigger widget lead is connected to desired next step widget.
  • Verify the desired widget is being used -
    • Send Message vs. Send & Wait for Reply
    • Connect Call to vs. Make Outgoing Call
  • Verify the widget is correctly configured, and has the right transitions.
  • Verify variable syntax is used correctly - for example, {{widget.widget_name.message.Inbound}}. Twilio Studio supports the Liquid Template language. For more information, please see our Liquid Template Language docs.
    NOTE: Widget names must start with a letter to be successfully used as Liquid variables.
  • Verify flow changes are published.

Check for Test Users

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Click Studio Icon_02-Studio.png from the left-side navigation bar.
    NOTE: If Studio is not visible, you may first need to access the Explore Products page.
  3. Click the desired Flow to check.
  4. Click the Trigger widget, and then select the Config tab.
  5. Verify the phone number experiencing issues is not found in the TEST USERS field.
  6. If the number is present here, remove it, and then click Save.

User Stuck in the Flow Execution

If a user gets stuck in the middle of a flow, stop the execution from Console (or via the API).

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Click Studio Icon_02-Studio.png from the left-side navigation bar.
    NOTE: If Studio is not visible, you may first need to access the Explore Products page.
  3. Click Logs next to the flow being used. If your flow is not in view, click View all Flows, and then select Logs next to the desired flow.
  4. Find the Contact number, and then click Stop Execution.



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