If a flow is not working as anticipated, there are a number of possibilities why the desired behavior is not occurring. Check these options to make sure flows work as intended.
Verify the Flow is Configured on a Twilio Number
Once a Flow is published, it needs to be configured on a Twilio phone number. Here are the steps for adding a flow to a Twilio line:
- Login to your account at www.twilio.com/console.
Click Phone Numbers
from the left-side navigation bar.
NOTE: If Phone Numbers is not visible, you may first need to access the Explore Products page. - Click the desired phone number to modify.
- Add the desired Studio flow:
Voice -
- CONFIGURE WITH: Webhooks, TwiML Bins, Functions, Studio, or Proxy
A CALL COMES IN: Studio Flow
- Select the desired flow.
Messaging -
- CONFIGURE WITH: Webhooks, TwiML Bins, Functions, Studio, or Proxy
- Select the desired flow.
Voice -
- Click Save.
Validate the Flow’s Design is Correct
- Verify the correct Trigger widget lead is connected to desired next step widget.
- Verify the desired widget is being used -
- Send Message vs. Send & Wait for Reply
- Connect Call to vs. Make Outgoing Call
- Verify the widget is correctly configured, and has the right transitions.
- Verify variable syntax is used correctly - for example, {{widget.widget_name.message.Inbound}}. Twilio Studio supports the Liquid Template language. For more information, please see our Liquid Template Language docs.
NOTE: Widget names must start with a letter to be successfully used as Liquid variables. - Verify flow changes are published.
Check for Test Users
- Login to your account at www.twilio.com/console.
Click Studio
from the left-side navigation bar.
NOTE: If Studio is not visible, you may first need to access the Explore Products page. - Click the desired Flow to check.
- Click the Trigger widget, and then select the Config tab.
- Verify the phone number experiencing issues is not found in the TEST USERS field.
- If the number is present here, remove it, and then click Save.
User Stuck in the Flow Execution
If a user gets stuck in the middle of a flow, stop the execution from Console (or via the API).
- Login to your account at www.twilio.com/console.
Click Studio
from the left-side navigation bar.
NOTE: If Studio is not visible, you may first need to access the Explore Products page. - Click Logs next to the flow being used. If your flow is not in view, click View all Flows, and then select Logs next to the desired flow.
- Find the Contact number, and then click Stop Execution.