On November 30, 2022, Twilio ended the sale of the Twilio Live product and announced the 12 month End of Life period. Effective November 30, 2023, Twilio Live is officially End of Life, and is no longer available to customers. This guide is intended to help users identify an alternative solution for your use case.
Twilio does not have a 1-to-1 alternative for Twilio Live within our product portfolio. Thus, you will need to migrate to another solution, or set of solutions, outside of Twilio. For this, we recommend Mux. Mux is an API platform that enables developers to build live and on-demand video experiences, known for its developer experience and rich feature set.
To assist you in your transition from Twilio Live to Mux, we have worked closely with the Mux team to identify migration paths based on the various use cases powered by Twilio Live. If you are interested, please visit this Mux landing page. Here, you will find an overview of the Mux platform and a contact form to get in touch with their Twilio Live transition team. Mux is also offering 3 months of free credit to ease the transition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Twilio Live being shut down?
Twilio continuously evaluates our services and our product portfolio and aims to make the best decisions for our customers’ current and long-term success.
With Twilio Live, we have made the difficult decision to exit the Live Streaming market to focus on areas that more closely align with our Customer Engagement Platform strategy.
What if I don’t migrate off Twilio Live?
Functionality that is reliant on Twilio Live will stop working in your application after 5:00 PM PT on November 30, 2023. After this, any API calls within the Live product will fail.
Will I continue to receive customer support until Live is shut down?
Yes. Twilio Live will continue to be supported until the End of Life date; however, no product enhancements or iterations will occur.
Does this impact Twilio Programmable Video?
No, there are no changes in any capacity to Twilio Programmable Video. Programmable Video is business as usual.
Can I use Programmable Video instead of Twilio Live?
No. Programmable Video supports a maximum of 50 participants in a Group Room. If your use case requires 50 or more audience members, then Programmable Video is not a suitable replacement.